
Wut Are Some Healthy...?

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Wut are some healthy late night snacks stuff thats easy to prepare and yummy heathy though.. im on a diet ;p .... sort of haha




  1. Almonds are a good snack because they have protein which keeps you feeling full longer. I keep some dark chocolate around too. It's rich so you don't need much. I also like to put peanut butter on apples or bananas.

    Another easy snack is air popped pop-corn, with a little melted butter and salt.

  2. Cereal maybe XD It's pretty fat free most of the time.

  3. raw veggies - carrot celery etc.

    its best to eat more earlier in the day and then less as the day goes on because then you have more time to burn it off.

  4. Some fruit maybe? All you have to do is rinse it, and it's delicious and healthy

  5. Lots of Campbell Soups are also low in calories.

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