
Wut is snooker?

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Wut is snooker?




  1. Sounds like smoocher

  2. snooker = invented by the British in India in the 1870s!!!!

  3. SNOOKER: This is more popular in Europe than in the states. The game is played on a 12'X6' table. The tables have six pockets, but they are half the size of standard pool table pockets. The balls are also much smaller. Their are 15 red balls, a blue ball, a black ball, and a yellow ball; the balls are not numbered and can be pocketed in any order. Each colored ball has a different value in the scoring of the game.

  4. It's pool's ancestor. It's played on a larger table and has more balls(12 reds(1 point each), one of each:yellow(2p), green(3p), brown(4p), blue(5p), pink(6p), black(7p), white). The stick is also longer (because the table is larger). The players can use different instruments as support (simple stretcher, swan,  spider).

    The object of the game is to pocket all the balls and, at that point, to have a greater score than the opponent.

    Every red ball is pocketed and doesn't return to the table. The colored balls have to be pocketed one after a red ball, whatever the color and as long as there still are red balls on the table, the colored ones are put back on their spot (marked points on the table for each colored ball).

    When all the reds are pocketed, the colored ones have to be played in their respective order, from the lowest to the highest.

    Besides these, there are another set of rules which involve strategy and from where the name for the game comes. Snooker is a situation on the table in which between the white ball(the only that can be hit directly) and the object ball(the one that has to be played), there is another ball, making it impossible to play a straight trajectory. The way out is using the sides of the table or different effects to get to the object ball.

    There are many more rules but they are hard to explain with words.

    Essentially, it's a very slow and strategy-based game.

  5. Snooker is game like pool that is popular in Europe and the far east.

  6. a game of wits!! and might! really i dunno another british breakdown of a game

  7. Its like pool, but the table and sticks are bigger, there are more balls, you score the game differently.  Generally harder to play.

  8. Snooker involves the use of red balls as well as some numbered ones.  You have to sink a red ball to be able to shoot a numbered one in.  This continues until all the red balls are gone, then the numbered balls are shot in rotation.  The pockets on a snooker table are smaller and more difficult to hit.

  9. A billiards game.  You know, pool table, balls, sticks?
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