
Wut phone company should i choose??

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Out of Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T which one in ur opinion is better....and please give reasons why




  1. i have at&t but they say the calls don't drop and sometimes they do so be careful

  2. well if u want the best that would be verizon. but the thing is verizon IS the best and the know it thats why they are more expensive. i have verizon and have had no complaints, and the service is great i always have strong connections, but it is gonna cost a little more. and they do have some really cool phones. hope i could help

  3. Ummmm....At@t is the best way to go. What kind of phone are u in to??

  4. Sprint, you can get everything for $100

  5. lol i asked the same question, I have sprint, Ive had sprint for 3 years..SPRINT SUCKS!! I can't wait til my contract is up next year!

  6. I have been on all 3 providers. Let me tell you my experience.

    -AT&T I was with for about 3 years. Then they decided to discontinue my device and not provide service on it any more. They treated me as very badly. It was like they did not care to keep me as a customer. Plus when I needed help with my device, customer care never helped me out. I moved on after my device was gone.

    -Sprint I have right now. I have poor coverage in my area. Sprint is known for poor coverage in areas.  Granted their plans are cheap, but when it comes to service/coverage that is what matters.  I plan to ditch the company when my 2yr contract is up.

    -Verizon I have been with for 8 years now. I love verizon. I have never had any service issues or complaints with Verizon. Their the best cell company in my book.

  7. verizon is expensive and an at&t dude told me they were gonna buy sprint, i have tmobile and they have cool phones and good service but it depends where you live cuz sprint service sucks here

  8. At&t but it matters what kind of phones you like

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