
Wut religon r the jonas bros like r dey hispanic caucation or wut?

by Guest34185  |  earlier

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Wut religon r the jonas bros like r dey hispanic caucation or wut?




  1. their religion is Evangelical Christians.

    but to keep it simple their race is Caucasian

    but really The Jonas Brothers come from a very diverse background of races such as Italian, Irish, German and Native American.

  2. Being Hispanic, Asian, black, or white is not a religion...

    A religion is being something like Christian. Or Buddhist. Or Mormon.

    You aren't very smart, are you?

  3. What the h**l are you talking about?

  4. learn how to spell right! and then I'll tell you

  5. They worship the god Hispanic. He is an all powerful god.

  6. yes... hispanic is their religion.

    *rolls eyes*

  7. 1. hispanic is latin american that is a race caucation means white and that is a race

    2.Religion is what they believe in the jonas brothers are Christian that means they believe in God like I do read bibles and go to church and pray

  8. They are some kind of latino i think theyre greek

  9. They're Evangelical Christians. [Their father used to be a pastor]

    And one of their parents is Latino, so they're half that.

  10. i wont even anwser this idiot

  11. those r not religiongs, hun

    theyre christian, btw

  12. Those are race, not religion.

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