
Wuts inside a radio antenna?

by Guest67098  |  earlier

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Wuts inside a radio antenna?




  1. Duh is correct

    Usually for Fm, all it is , is a hollow piece of tubing to be flexible and give instead of being firm.... No real mystery as any metal (including a coat hanger) can be made into an antenna. Others use two pieces or one piece of wire in a dipole type setup (It's a basic style of antenna)

    On AM, they found that wrapping coil wire around a plastic or iron core would help reception

  2. Good question. Usually nothing but a bunch of wire. Sometimes a round piece of metal (FM) that attaches to the back of the set. In many cases any old piece of wire near or attached to the back of the receiver will work.

    Even you can be an antenna. Ever notice how you can get a radio tuned just right, then you step away and lose the station?

    The Selecta-tenna I speak of in some of my answers just has a coil of copper - and it's tune-able. But the antenna is an integral part of a radio that most ignore.

    -a guy named duh

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