
Wuts up with 2012?

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ok wuts up with "the world ending at 2012" and do you believe it?




  1. i don't believe it, scientists have proved the mayans theory wrong anyway. there will be a big solar eclipse then and though i don't know much about it, im sure the world will still be here then.

  2. Nah, don't believe those things, it's just like the hype that was going on before the year 2000.

  3. lmao.

    i dont know............

  4. 2012 heralds a special event, according to the Mayan calendar. Called the b'ak'tun cycle, this year heralds the completion of the 13th cycle. It has been called a year of spiritual transformation, but others see this as an apocalypse. This is actually doubtful, because the calendar has many inscriptions beyond 2012, one even records 4772.

    So no, I doubt the world will end.

  5. I believe that the Bible tells us we will not know the day nor time, that the end will come like a thief in the night.

  6. As long as we get through the 2010 olympics here in Vancouver, does it really matter!!

    I thought it was Y2K.

    The world has supposed to end for centuries. People have read the bible, trying to predict. But NO ONE knows when he will come, because he will come like a theif in the night.

  7. obama is reelected.

  8. nah, i believe that's when we'll have the next olympics, but not the end of the world, havent heard of that though, that's just 4 years from now, why on earth would it be the END of the world??where'd you hear that?

  9. I think people say that because there is this gigantic asteroid That mat end the world. But there are other things that could happen.

    1. NASA destroys the asteroid

    2. There's a thing called the 'keyhole' and if it miss' that then it will never hit the earth

    3. It will pass through the keyhole and slam right into the Pacific Ocean, wiping out most of California

    4. It could come in 800 years.

  10. No.

    Just like everything else, it will be over budget and behind schedule.  With luck, the ending of the world will be so far over budget that the world enders will cancel it outright.

  11. May just be a day like any other with nothing important happening.

  12. No, I don't believe it. People have been predicting the end, since the beginning.  I will be in my underground dwelling though, just in case. I have room for a couple more people too, just bring your fav snacks.

  13. I hate thinking about that.

    And i really doubt it, scientists predicted that the world was going to end in 2007 or something and look we're still living! Its just a prediction. But if we don’t do something about global warming and our o zone then there’s a really high chance it'll end somewhere in the next 10 years or SOONER!

  14. no i dont believe it, neither should anyone else. its just a way to scare everbody. ehh the usual Superstitions. -_-

    WOW MY TOast will be done at 12:00 sharp. lol give me a break.

  15. It is a Mayan prophesy because the Mayan calendars end on December 21, 2012. They've already predicted a few natural disasters that have happened...but I don't believe it. They were wrong about more stuff than they have been right about.

  16. The ancient Mayan civilisation of central an southern America had amazing mathematical abilities.

    They calculated time in a much more elaborate fashion than our 24 hour / 365.25 days per year effort. We have to add an extra day every four years and miss it every hundred, and now with nuclear powered clocks using the wavelength of Ceasium 135 we can proudly state an accuracy of 1 second out over 10,000,000 years.

    The Mayans had stone, metal, jungle and brains.

    Their calendar and time keeping is accurate to 1 second over almost 10,000,000,000,000 years.

    That just blows my socks off. No calculator, sextant, quadrant or other precision instruments and they knew more than us!

    Their calendar was carved upto 2012 and it may just be that the Spanish Conquistadors destroyed all the people who knew the systems secrets, so they had to stop producing more.

    This could mean that another 'Great Cycle' is about to begin and this roughly coincides with 'the age of Aquarius' from the Western and Middle Eastern philosophies.

  17. nope....
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