
Ww 1 and ww 2 bolt action rifles, trying to find out what rifle that i have in my possesion.?

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aquired this rifle from my great uncle who went over seas in ww 2. I have this bolt action rifle and trying to figure out what make and model this might be.




  1. A bolt-action US rifle would probably be a Springfield Model 1903. (They may have been used early in WW2 and would have been replaced by the clip-fed M1 semiautomatic.)

  2. Your description is too vague

    Rifles from that time period include: WWI & WW2

    Mauser 98K (7.92mm)

    Gewehr 98 (7.92mm)

    Carcano mod 38 (7.35mm)

    Carcano M91 (6.5mm)

    Mosin-Nagant M91/30, M38, and M44 (all 7.62mm)

    SMLE (.303 (7.7mm))

    Springfield 1903 (.30-06)

    Arisaka Type 99 (7.7mm)

    Arisaka Type 38 (6.5mm)

    1917 Einfield (.30-06)

    Steyr-Mannlicher M95/30 (8mm)

    MAS-36 (7.5mm)

    Lebel (8mm)

    Ross (.303)

    K31 (7.5mm)

  3. It helps if you explain at least what nationality you think it is from.

  4. Is it japanese? If so this website might help

  5. any description at all would help

    What does the safety look like

    That will narrow it down considerably

    That will probably get you your answer

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