
Wwe going downhill ?

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I Asked This Once But No1 Answerd Lol : ( .anway as i kid i used to watch all these great matches my fave's being ones that included the hardcore title anyway do you think wwe will ever be as great as it was again. also do you think tna will ever be the biggest company if not do you think their future is brightv?




  1. The WWE has been going downhill for a long time now. The only way they will even try to make things much better is if they get some competition.

    But (I am a TNA fan also) I don't see TNA being able to catch the WWE anytime soon. I hope in about 5 years maybe they can catch up enough to make it more interesting.

    But they WWE didn't try to make their product better until WCW was winning the ratings war. Then and only then did they do what it took to win.

    So everyone needs to hope TNA starts to catch up some.

  2. Yes it is. I hardly watch it now, the feuds are boring. the wrestlers are not allowed to express themselves any-more, they are limited to a few moves..

    WWE has been going down-hill since 2004,  WCW was good for WWE, i now think it has got lazy, it has no competition, they shove paper champs like Cena/Batista down our throats..WWE sucks, watch the Circuit wrestling if you want proper stuff.

  3. i dont really think so.  even though ratings are up and down, wwe might make a big breakthrough soon. and as for tna, i seriously doubt that it could become the biggest company.  

  4. Dont worry WWE has had it downs and its ups.Right now its in a ball of blaze,but I see another era like the Attitude era arising in 5-9 years.

    As for TNA,I like TNA,but lets face the facts...If TNA keeps getting rating like 1.0 and .99 like it has been for the last 6 years,I dont really see it competing with WWE ever.

    Glad to had helped
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