
Wwe should really use kenny dykstra! he is so good and has talent!

by Guest56055  |  earlier

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i bet that he could pedigree triple h!!!! it should be triple sucks!!! kenny rules!




  1. He sucks.

  2. your wrong kenny really sucks Triple H would murder (as in beat) him big time!!!!!! the best talent is EVAN BORNE!

  3. sucks

  4. Not.  He sucks.  Why do you think he hasn't been used.

  5. he suks

  6. no u know what would be even better???? SHANNON...but NO STUPID WWE RELEASED HIM....dummies!!!!!!

  7. they do sometimes, i saw him face R-Truth in a dark match.

    oh and if you dont believe that r truth has been in a dark match heres proof

    edit:no wayyyy THE BRIAN KENDRICK is awesome

  8. I know, I don't know why they aren't using him.

    He could really be used on smackdown, possible Hardy, Kennedy feud.

  9. he sucks

  10. kenny was okay. he never really got any heat from the crowd though. triple h controls the crowd as if they were his robots. brian kendrik may be getting the push that kenny should've had. but to be fair his current angle sucks. we all know brian kendrik is a good guy

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