
Wwf attitude 30min hardcore match vs scramble match?

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i think wwe did have this concept match before in the old wwf attidude era..where it's more for the wwe hardcore title wayback...the rules is the same, but the title instead of a 20min, it's a 30min and more than 10 wwe superstar involve..that how some old wwe superstar won title many times...




  1. d**n 30 minute hardcore match? do u want the wrestlers to die

  2. pepek berbulu!!!

  3. Scramble match??

    The name explains it all.

    When I hear about that name I think about it is eggs.

    The WWF Attitude 30 Min. Hardcore match is better with the match type and how dangerous it could be.

    It's really enetertaining and exciting.

  4. Yeah, that's the first thing I said to myself when the match was announced.  They even had the gimmick on an old Smackdown! game, and I loved playing it.

    I think overall the Attitude Era Hardcore version of the match is the better, not because it's a hardcore match necessarily, but because the Hardcore Title fits the gimmick so much better.  I mean, in this Scramble match, you're going to have people pinning one another left and right, but until the final bell rings, it wont mean anything.  In a way, that's good, because the WWE title should not be booked to exchange hands like the Hardcore Title did, because, if I'm not mistaken, every time the Hardcore strap changed hands initially in this bout, it would go on record.  That shouldn't happen with the WWE title, and it isn't, but in a way, since it isn't...why even have the match?  I'll admit, it'll be a good tension builder, but it may end up leaving a lot of fans scratching their head when someone like JBL gets pinned at the last second by, let's say, CM Punk, and doesn't get a rematch.  It just botches up the initial title rules.

    I'm also not fond of them having TWO of these matches on the card.

  5. yes, i read this in someones answer, i hope it was yours lol, and i think the attitude era match would win because of its hardcore stautus

  6. Yes they did have a similar match at WrestleMania and it was very similar. Oh and just to let you know they came out with how the match is going to be gone, rules, etc... and its a bit diffrent and really terrible. Heres how the match is going to go...

    * The match will have a 20 minute time limit

    * The champion and a randomly selected challenger will start the match

    * A new challenger will enter every five minutes

    * If anyone scores a pinfall or submission on anyone, that person is declared "temporary champion" until the next pinfall/submission

    Sounds like a big clusterfuck to me and puts the champion at a serious disadvantage. Maybe it will come out as a good match but I doubt it.

  7. Yeah, and the name just sucks *** big time i cant belive it they could have made a better name  

  8. They did. The original match happened at WrestleMania 2000 for the Hardcore Championship only it was contested under Hardcore Rules instead. This is basically the Time Limit Challenge from the SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role video game.

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