
Wwiii worries help ?

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i am 13 and today i went to my uncles and saw something the cold war again i live in uk he said anything usa get involved in will start a world war no offense to usa i like americans why cant we all get along help please im scared no jokes plz




  1. Although it's normal to be a little worried about the unknown, I wouldn't worry about it too much. There have been people predicting the end of the world since recorded history began, and they have been wrong each and every time.

    Life goes on, and for the most part nothing as drastic as WW3 would occur anytime soon, as most people don't really want to enter a war on that magnitude (people still remember how awful WW1 and WW2 were, and don't want to repeat it if possible).

    I used to get worried about that stuff too, but as I learned more about history, I began to notice that although weapons are vastly improving, most nations in general don't want to put them to use, because of the destructive power of those things. That's why the US and Russia have thousands of nukes, but won't use any of them, because they fear retaliation against each other, and if that happened, that would pretty much mean the end of life as we know it. And no one really wants that to happen, and I doubt anyone wants to be remembered in history for being the "guy" that caused this to happen.

    Just live your life and try not to be mean or mad at everyone, and you'll be okay.

  2. WW3 has been going to start since I was born in 1947. And it never happened. It is just something silly to worry about. And it's fun right now to pick on the USA. But that is just as silly. Enjoy your teenage years and don't worry. This is all just adults making noise.

  3. honestly this is bad but peace will never exist in this world, sad to say but always be wars, thats why the usa has war, im not american but i rather not see iran or russia north korea or china run this world, thats why there is NATO, to protect us

  4. your to young to be here
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