Question:!! anyone heard of it ? Japan?

by  |  earlier

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since i can't read japanese i thought i would ask here if someone knows what it is all about ! i understand it is a social network site, but why is it popular amongst the japanese ?

what differs it from others such as facebook/bebo/myspace etc?

the more detailed the better!!

ps don't tell me stuff from wikipedia i have already read what their article on it !




  1. its different cause it has the japanese language

  2. See this,,

  3. You had better not to join MIXI.

    There are much scams, con artists ,including Japanese gangsters and increasing much crimes.

  4. It is a social networking site, similar to Facebook or Myspace.  My husband is on it a lot.  There is a lot you can do on it and it is easily accessible for mobile phone users (Japanese LOVE their mobile phones!!!)  In order to join, you have to be invited by someone on Mixi already (similar to facebook in that regard). You can make a personal page and post blogs, videos, information,  pictures, events. You can also chat and post comments on each other's pages. It is pretty cool and is a bit different from English networking sites.

    Edit; Annette is right! I think hers is the best answer you can get.

  5. Myspace, Facebook and Bebo (which I don't know) are not from Japan. Mixi is a Japanese social network created by Japanese.

    That's the difference in the first place.

    There is little difference between Mixi and other Japanese SN in terms of its function. The reason why Mixi is so successful in Japan is mere marketing reason. They are successful in their marketing.

  6. Well, if you're trying to set up an account, you can't, unless you have a Japanese cell phone.

    But, if you must know, on mixi, people post blogs, and everyone reads them, unlike on Facebook, or MySpace (even though some do post blogs, but not nearly as many).

    It's not like Facebook or MySpace, where everyone has over 600 friends that they don't even know. Chances are, if you don't know the person, they won't accept your invitation.

    In addition to having a Japanese cell phone number to sign up, a member must first send you an invitation. You have to be eighteen or older to sign up.

    It's also very private and personal, unlike MySpace. Very few Japanese users post their real names and photos. There's also something called ashi-ato, with which you can retrace every visitor on your profile. This gives users an additional sense of security.

    That's all I can think of right now, I'll edit if I remember anything else.

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