
Wy mc donalds in india dont sell any beef or pork meat?

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Wy mc donalds in india dont sell any beef or pork meat?




  1. In Hinduism, the cow is considered sacred and its protection is a recurrent theme in which she is symbolic of abundance, of the sanctity of all life and of the earth that GIVES MUCH WHILE ASKING NOTHING IN RETURN.

    Most Hindus respect the cow as a matriarchal figure for her gentle qualities and providing nurturing milk and its products for a largely vegetarian diet. It holds an honoured place in society, and it is part of Hindu tradition to avoid the consumption of beef.

    Also, Hindus do NOT worship cows, that is not true.  (My wife is Hindu.)

  2. Indian is predominantly populated by Hindus and Muslims.

    Hindu relegion doe s not allow consuption of beef and Muslim relegion does not allow pork.  it is as simple as that.

  3. because we don't eat meat

    (except chicken and fish for some indians who are not vegetarians)

  4. So they don't offend the Hindus and the Moslems.

  5. Because we export them, and at the same time keep our hindus and muslims happy.

  6. coz Hindus don't eat beef and Muslims don't eat pork.

  7. refer to answer given by michael43551

  8. religion

  9. b cos foreigners will laugh at u cos the cow is holy in india in hinduism..n muslim people dont eat pig meat thats why....india is cultural n religious n therefore the mc donalds company has to respect that.

  10. Something to do with reincarnation.

  11. b'cause we are hipocrats.

  12. In India cow is one of god. so they not used to eat it. this is not sutable place to sell these varities.

  13. My teacher said to me that in India they praise animals especially the cows(one of Indias sacred animal) and pig. It is their way of giving thanks to the creator.

  14. Hindus wo'nt eat beef and Muslims  dont even pronounce pork.Christians eat everything on earth That is why you got the doubt. Mc Donalds being a business man knows the answer.

  15. becuause the poplulation of pork and beef eaters in india is almost none.

  16. India has some very strict religious beliefs on the subject of cows. Cows are believed to be dead people reincarnated. Therefore they cant eat beef of any kind due to the fact that it is someones realtive. I dont know but I assume pigs are looked at the same way. I think to come back as a cow you were suppose to have been a really good person while on earth. That is just the majority of the religion over there

  17. In this competetive world, can you distinguish between beef or pork when it is minced and spices added to it to change the taste? Well that's just what is in your burger, which you assume to be pure mutton or chicken. I visited a five star hotel in Mumbai and the steward was kind enough to tell me that he was serving Australian sparrow. The dish was fantastic.

  18. Pork is not in much demand in india,so it is not profitable for mc donals to sell.

    In India we worship cows in most of the hindu states and families,& in temples,

    beef comes from cows, so neither the country allows ,nor people demand it.

  19. its because of religious reasons....

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