
Wy only aeroplanes can fly not the train?

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Wy only aeroplanes can fly not the train?




  1. Because thats how they were designed. Im sure if you stick some wings on a train and reduce the weight and have enough speed it might take off.

  2. But imagine if you could make an airplane run on tracks - or even just stick an airplane engine onto a train. Chello 300mph y'all?!

  3. well trains are trains and airplanes are airplanes. You can make your dicicion how you would like to ttravel

  4. Doesn't warrant an answer.

  5. can u fly?

  6. hmmmm...

  7. Trains are not allowed to use airport runways. If they could, they would fly.  r****m.

  8. bcz train contains no's of compartment while plane just one. train needs whistle to aware people while plane doesnt. train needs track to run while planes need air. n finally planes need Air hostess n train Street singers.

  9. i think you know the reason. if not think why we cannot fly and birds can.

  10. LOL. Do you want trains to fly? Aeroplanes are built to fly and trains are built to run on tracks. You cant make a train fly or an aeroplane run on a track!!!

  11. whats your name man time is so precious dont waste it

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