
X BOX 360 Help?

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ok i asked a question b4

wats better 360 or ps3

and ppl sed ps3 coz it doesnt hve the

three ring of death or red ring of death

wat are those?




  1. The red ring of death is what shows up on the status lights of the console when a hardware problem occurs.  This problem cant be prevented and can only be fixed if u send it in to microsoft for a free repair.

  2. Xbox 360 is better for gaming. It has more variety of game and more exclusive games ie: Halo 3. PS3 has the Blue Ray DVD player which is good. If you are looking at price then 360 wins in that department. I have a 360, I have never seen the "three ring of death" and have had nothing but a good experience with my 360. My brother has a PS3 and he never plays it because all the games he likes are on my 360.

  3. ok i have a 360 it has broke 2 times in the last 2 years both time microsoft sent me a new 1 for free so 360s brake but microsoft is pretty cool.PS3s is a better system but is cost more and they do not have good games. The 3 rings of death is when the hard drive of the 360 fails and this happends for no real reason but, microsoft will send you a new 360 for free if this does happen. if you have a lot of money go with the PS3 other wise get a 360. ps. the xbox live is alot better than the live for PS3.
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