
X - Country Jump Stewards what do they do?

by Guest61095  |  earlier

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i have a chnce to be a jump steward for a day at a big xc event but what do they do?




  1. They just sit there are write down if the rider cleared the jump or not, and if they didn't, what happened. It's really, really boring.

  2. Go for it! That would be awesome. I only ever do mini pony club events lol! If i was in an area to votenteer to be a jump stewart id go for it lol! They sit near their assigned jump, and have to rite down the riders back number (thats what we call them) (they have a BIG number on their shirt), and if he / she clears the jump or if they refuse and how many (before elimination). If you are a 1st time stewart than you will be more than likely given an ok jump, one that may still get refusals dont get me rong but also is more often cleared than not. You may also be required to radio in a emergancy etc, but this rarley happens i believe.

    Hope you have an awesome time! Enjoy! and dont forget you are stewarting and not just watching! lol.

  3. Its a Great chance.  take it.   Like others have said it is watching a jump.  Making sure everyone comes to it.  Jumps it.. or goes around.. and marking it down.  As well as keeping a eye on the track as far as you can see for trouble.  Riders May well stop and alert you to trouble you cant see between your station and the last.

    They should give you a two way radio.    Your going to want to bring your own folding chair ( or one of those folding stools. which are Great)..a clipboard and pen (if you have one,they are always in short supply at events) and a day pack, with your own small items.  Sun screen, water bottle, foldable rain jacket  ect..

  4. They are also responsible for stopping the course if an accident happens. And calling either vet/ambulance help. Last xcountry jump I sat on seemed very straight forward, but the turn immediately afterwards meant I stopped the course 3 times, had 4 horses and riders down, and two away in the ambulance, no horses harmed.

    What a day that was, fortunately I'd been left with a 2 way radio. Might I add it was the adult riders who misjudged the turn all the young children and teenagers managed it perfectly.

  5. Oh its so much fun and don't worry they'll make sure you know what you're doing and if its your first time they'll probably put you at an easy jump so you don't have as many problems. basically you'll be in charge of letting control know whats going on at your jump and keeping track of penalty points. as the horse comes to your jump you'll record whether they had any stops or falls and also radio in to let the officials know. you'll also need to be able to stop a horse in case there is a hold on the course or an overtaking rider and be able to keep spectators off the course. it was a little overwhelming in the beginning but you'll get the hang of it really quick and then its a blast. so have fun and make sure your prepared with things like water, chairs, sunscreen, etc. and have fun.

  6. Hi, a jump steward. stands at 1 x country jump and writes down whether the rider  nd horse went over the jump clear or have faults... can be really exciting if you are on a big water jump or something like that!

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