
X FACTOR. Do they really really think that they can sing or are they taking the pi$?

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Last night me and the missus decided to watch a bit and was shocked to see some of the people on there. WHO actually tells them that they can sing? WHO. I honestly think it must be staged, I really do.




  1. one of my friends won the x factor in australia Suede or something like that

  2. Everyone can sing, but it's what is sounds like and in the case of X factor horrible. They say it's good television but not for me.

  3. The woman that sang 'My heart will go on last night' had me in stitches.  

  4. I think that some of them are just on it for a bit of fun maybe get a bit of fame out of it but some of them i think actually do think they can sing lol

  5. its for fun dude anything to get on tv silly ;)

  6. i think they do but a lot of them are losers and they have no life so they sit at home singing at they listen to leona lewis and think they are like her lol

  7. There is a 59 year old welder from stockport that makes the rest of them sound like they can sing (a bit). It is quite funny though isn't it? And they do turn up some good ones amongst the no hopers. Anyway - respect - for having a go. Even those that really cannot sing a sausage.

  8. I think they do honestly think that they can sing there are alot of people out there with very low inteligence.

  9. I think they think they can sing, but its good entertainment. People wouldnt watch it if everyone was a good singer. What the point in that? xxxx

  10. its got to be staged no one can honestly think they can sing sounding like that and if people are telling them they can they must be mad or setting them up to embarrass themselves

  11. No....They REALLY think they can sing.

  12. I personally think that  its all staged managed so it makes the people look stupid, which of course is the point. They don;t want talented people really, they just want to take the p iss out of them, and expect the audience to do the same. Like watching the Christians being thrown to the lions, i hate the show.  

  13. i don't think it staged they think they can sing because before you meet with Simon and co you have to audition. so you actually have to audition twice. The first time its in front of the producers who only let the people who are good or really bad go through as it will make good TV. so the $hit singers think they have a chance of getting through because they get to meet with the judges. i also blaim the parents or the friends as they actually let them go on TV and make fool of themselves. but seriously before people come on x factor don't they record themselves sing on their phones so they don't embarrass themselves.

  14. some of them are just fruitcakes..absolute cranks.

  15. i    honestly    think    the     crack-pots    get     paid   to    go    on    x-factor   .       they   cant   really    think    they    can    sing ,  

       i   think       x-factor    crew   go   to    student   pubs  ,    residential  homes  , and    mental   institutions  .       and   pay    them     to    go   on    tele    and    make   fools   out  of    them .

       , it    makes   good    viewing   ,

  16. i think some of them must be staged coz surely they wouldn6t go on tv if they knew they couldnt sing. they are crazy absolutly loopy x*x

  17. people come in thinking they can sing and they go to the first 3 judges which we dont see. they send the bad ones through for good tele so they think there even better

  18. I think they allow these poor souls to howl on tv so that we can all have a good laugh, they want their 30 seconds of fame and are prepared to do anything to get it!

  19. they're taking the p**s! only for 15 seconds of fame

  20. Well, they only audition if they're either so far up their own ar$es that they know they're brilliant and don't want to do the legwork or they're so ignorant and refuse to believe that singing isn't the career for them.

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