
X-ray on 2 month old 'just in case'?

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I have a 2 month old daughter and she just went to her checkup today. The doctor said she heard a hear murmur but said it was common in newborns sometimes. She did an EKG thing and said everything looked normal but wanted to do an X-ray 'just in case'.

I'm not so scientifically inclined but my husband is. He's very knowledgeable about X-rays and does not feel comfortable with it on just a two month old. He says if there was something abnormal in the EKG he could understand it, but he doesn't feel right about it.

Ultimately, he said it is up to me, but like I said I don't know that much about these things. I've always followed the doctors advice, but then again he always has too.

So I really need some help with this decision! Should I get it checked out or not?




  1. I would have the x-ray if the doctor thinks its necessary.  Chest x-rays don't use alot of radiation, and it doesn't pose much of a risk.  Its better safe than sorry.  Doctors will not order x-rays unless they feel the benefits outweigh the risks.  Just make sure whenever you have it, the tech puts a lead shield over your daughters abdomen to shield her  ovaries :)

    My daughter had alot of x-rays during the first 4 months of her life, due to pneumonia and reflux.  

  2. well... in my opinion you have 2 let the man be the man and make a final decision... but in all reality thats silly and superstitious... :d

    medical science and technology has greatly advanced in the last decade and doctors are so worried about lawsuits they wouldnt put themselves in a compromising position.

    my fiance has been diagnosed with a the same thing, but never had an xray... now they say its something else.. lol, whatever!!!!! if she had xrays while at a young age she wouldnt be suffering today... right?  get it done

  3. For adults, an echocardiogram is a common way for heart murmurs to be diagnosed.  It's basically an ultrasound of the heart done in a cardiologist's office or clinic by a trained specialist.  I've never worked in pediatrics so I don't know what is typical for infants, but I haven't heard of traditional x-rays used for this type of diagnostic purpose.  If this is a recommendation from your pediatrician, you may want to ask for a referral to a pediatric cardiologist if she truly believes your daughter may have a problem.

  4. An x-ray on a 2 month old is ok. I know there is bad rumors about x-rays but this is in regards to people who get numerous x-rays.

    I would do the x-ray just to make sure - An EKG wouldn't show the size of the heart or the lungs.  

  5. Dont do it. It sounds unnecessary and you might just make her feel nervous or like something is wrong with her. Dont do it....especially if he feels bad about it.

  6. I would say get a second opinion. But, just to ease your mind, my son had 3 exrays as a newborn because his organs are reversed...everything turned out fine. I would probably get another opinion though, because however small the risk, there is still one there.

  7. Your Doc didn't just drink at med school you know.

    Unless your hubby is a doctor, listen to the doc. They don't order risky x-rays just for the fun of it.

    It probably is nothing. But if there is something, you need to know now. Otherwise it could get extremely bad.

    The risk is very minnimal, but the concequences of an untreated murmur could be severe.

    Get it checked out, much less risk that way.  

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