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I loves my xbox more than life itself.




  1. PS3 because you can use it to play singstar :)  

  2. its got to be the xbox the grafics are exactly the same and the online is ten times better. also it costs less.

    the only down side is that you have to pay to go online. You can do this monthly or go for a full year. it's £40 for a year which is not much compared to how good it is (you get what you pay for)  

  3. I love my xbox 360 very much because i got it free =) from xpango

  4. XBOX!!!

  5. PS3 Hands Down.

    Sick Graphics

    Blue Ray.

    Xbox and there obsolete HD Movie capability.

    They Don't make HD Cd movies anymore. all

    blue ray now. so good luck watching  new HD movies on your



  6. Ps3 =P

  7. xbox 360 my bro has one that brill  

  8. ps3, but i dont love it more than life itself.  thats just nerdy man.  you need to find yourself a girl.  or maybe you are a eunuch.  in that case, i am truly sorry.  

  9. lol!

    I agree I love my Xbox 360. =]

  10. XBOX 360 for you...since you love your xbox so much..

  11. XBOX 360

  12. you can get it for free at is a really great site which u can earn points by doing surveys and redeem your prize but don't forget to sign up.

  13. it really depends on what kind of games you like to play for example for me halo 3, gears of war etc then 360 is the best choice

    but if you like metal gears and others then i'll go for playstaion

    xbox 360 is more cheaper than the playstaion 3 but i guess it's worth it since playstaion 3 has many features but for me 360 has most of my faviourte games  

  14. i love the PS3. Although it might seem more expensive at first( $399.99), you actually get a lot for your money. You can use the PS3 as a Blu-ray movie player, it has built-in wi fi, you can play online for free. Some people will say "But it has no good games". If they say that, slap them in the face, PS3 has plenty of great games including Uncharted:Drake's Fortune, Ratchet and Clank Future:TOD, Resistance:FOM,Motorstorm( all these are EXCLUSIVE), just to name a few. Plus, MGS4( Hideo Kojima said it himself), Resistance 2, Final Fantasy 13, Killzone 2, and Little Big Planet are coming out exclusively for the PS3. Oh yeah, and PSN( online) isn't laggy ( can have up to 40 people for some games!) and bad like people say. Plus, the PS3 has up to 40 GB ( or 80) of space to save games, which is a lot)

    The Wii is all about family; even little girls and grandmas can play it( not saying it's bad or anything). However, most of the "good" games on the Wii are first-party games, aka they're made by Nintendo ( SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy,etc.) and it might be MONTHS before Nintendo makes another game for the Wii, the third party games( that AREN'T made by Nintendo) COMPLETELY SUCK( except for maybe Zack and Wiki and No more heroes); 90% of them are shovelware games, in other words, they're cheaply made just to scam kids out of their money, some examples include Ultimate Duck Hunting, Kidz Sports( they REALLY SUCK), and Hannah Montana games. The Wii can only support up to 480p picture quality ( I know graphics aren't everything, but it's not like they're unimportant) and playing online sucks for the Wii, ( in my opinion). The Wii is basically a Gamecube with a motion sensing controller and is just a fad that will fade away. The Wii also only has a small amount of space (512 MB) to save games ( but you can use an SD card too). I'm not trying to bash the Wii, I have nothing against it, but I'm just telling the truth

    (Note: I'm NOT trying to bash the 360)

    Most of the "good" games on the Xbox 360 were last year's games: Gears of War, Halo 3 (which is honestly the MOST OVERRATED,OVERHYPED GAME EVER), Mass Effect, Bioshock, etc. The only big upcoming games for the 360 are Gears of War 2 and Halo Wars (yes, that's the actual name). Plus, all of those (except for Halo 3, which might get ported over to the PC soon) have been ported over to the PC for the same price, (usually) more content, and generally better graphics. Also, the Xbox 360 is not a very reliable console, it has a failure rate of 33% and overheats pretty easily, scratches your game discs, has a huge power brick, and a loud fan. However, the Online service for the 360, Xbox Live, is currently superior to the PS3's, it has a bigger community, but great online service doesn't make a console, a console.

  15. Yep! gotta be the Xbox 360 for me aswell, the PS3 is still a cool console by all means, but the 360 has all my favourite games on so far atleast and it suits my needs perfectly

    Go with the games & the 360 has it all

  16. well i have an xbox 360 but my bro has a ps3 .

    so id say xbox 360 mate.

  17. well i will say xbox is the best, u really need your console to play games, and xbox360 got loads of games, with halo3, gear of war2, ff xiii, last remnunat ,halo war and more to come on xbox360. ps3 might be a strong console but i whant good games, and xbox 360 got it all. thank God i got the 360 instead of the ps3.

  18. If your looking for online playing then xbox wins hands down.

  19. ps3 is much better than that 360 thing on ps3 there is

    -better graphics

    -online play for free instead of paying monthly

    -with 360 it dosnt last that long because it crashes and if it crashes 4 times that's it with it its broken

    -ps3 is faster

    -ps3 controller's are wireless and six axis hand movement

    so overall ps3 is much better hands down

  20. i love the 360 for halo and XBL, but the PS3 is my system, Gran Turismo is the ultimate game

  21. 360 360 360 MY GAMERTAG IS xI RAIDEN Zz m8 wen u get one add me get halo 3 and 4 call of duty 4 and ghost recon

  22. PS3 All The WAY!!!!

    The person who said "I use it to play Singstar"

    Your not helping our case! =)

  23. Ps3 Is Great!! Beats Any Other Console!! Ha Ha Ha

  24. ps3 is the much more superior machine in every way end of story

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