
XBOX 360 expired warranty help?

by  |  earlier

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I am sooo sad and angry... i got my xbox 360 and now its reporting unplayable disk they said the warranty expired a week ago, and said we only cover youre xbox if you get the red ring of death.. all three lights.. so how the h**l do i purposly get the ring of death and will it work since i bought the 360 during the summer of 2007?? please help




  1. Doing those things you may get the RRoD but when you send it to MS and they hook it up it must give them the RRoD too or they will do nothing. The best option is to call MS and give them a credit card number. They will charge you $99 and send you a box. You put your Xbox 360 inside and send it to them. They will send it back fixed with a 1 year warranty covering the whole Xbox. That way for $99 you have piece of mind for another year. $99 broken down by the month is only $8.25. So even if you pay them $99 and it lasts 1 year exactly it will cost you $8.25 a month to keep playing. There is a second option and that is to sell your broken one on ebay and take that money and put it toward a new one.  

  2. Block all of the vents with like a towel or something, turn on your xbox, and wait until you get the RRoD.

  3. A very easy way to get the red rings of death is if u put all your xbox stuff in a bag and but it by a heater or in a hot car durring the day so that it overheats =] Or just leave it running for like a week straight! it will overheat in no time. Dont do the online tasks they are a scam!

    hope i helped


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