
XBox Live Help Please?

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I'm new to XBox Live for 360. I used it once before about a year and a half ago. I'm ready to link back up to it and I've played a lot of games and earned a lot of achievements. My Biggest thing is that I made it to Lt. Col. in Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and I want to know if I get to keep all of my achievements and data or do I have to create a new Gamertag and start all over? Any tips for me? Need help.




  1. Yeah what the first guy said


    wasn't quick enough to answer :[

    add me if anything

    GT: SuPreMe x NYC

  2. It's on u but i think u must keep ur gamertag....

  3. nope just hook up the cord have your xbox live code ready go to the market place   then clikc accont management  pretty simple when u see it

    no u dont gotta creat new accont just add code to one u useing now

    and u stay as lt col in rv2 thats how they made that game u can lvl up offline or online  

  4. If you purchase Xbox Live for the same Gamertag account that you gained all the achievements/ranks for, then you will still have them when you buy Xbox Live.  
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