
XXI Century: Which nation will mainly spread his cultural-economic influence along the world?

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XIX century was United Kingdom, XX century was USA time.

Which nation will mainly diffuse his cultural, political, economical influence in the XXI century, like USA did in yhe past century? China, whit its lack of democracy? India with its caste sistem? Will, more probably, be Brasil?




  1. europe i reckon

  2. China.

  3. China - lots of people, tradition of hard work, ambition, military might.

  4. Europe [EU] will reassert its ascendancy which was lost for half a century to USA following 2 disastrous wars, from which USA benefited economically and technically by getting British know how in computing and cutting edge science and German rocket know how after the war.

  5. I think it will be China as more and more nations look to it for economic aid.  It's already occurring too as many African countries, and yes that includes Sudan, are already reaching out to China rather than the US for economic and political aid.  The EU could also be very influential in the future.  As for our country we'll always be the benchmark for other countries but that will wane if we continue to play know-it-all big brother.

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