
Xampp, problem with MySQL?

by  |  earlier

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I have installed Xampp (Lampp) on Ubuntu 8.04. PHP, SSI, CGI installed properly. MYSQL Db is deactivated when reviewing the status link at the localhost page. I had installed MySQL in past, but cannot find when using command line, (find -name 'msql'. Only program running is Xampp (Lampp) MySQL. Has anyone had the same problem with MySQL not running even though installed. I appreciate the help.




  1. MySQL installs with xampp.  If you have an independent MySQL installation it doesn't matter.  You should be able to type in localhost in your browser.  On the left select phpMyAdmin and that's it.  I'm sorry I can't give further advice because I'm not running linux.  Have you tried to uninstall everything including the previous installation of MySQL and reinstall.

    Good luck  

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