
Xanax XR question for those who have taken it...?

by Guest33544  |  earlier

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I usually take Xanax as needed for anxiety and it does very well for me. My doc decided to switch me to Xanax XR to keep it in my system. My husband took this once before a few years back for about a week and he had tremor like seizures coming off of it. Of course he is freaking out about me taking it because of what happened to him, but what kind of side effects do the XR's really have that would make the regular Xanax safer? Was his withdrawl from it possibly just a fluke because he can take regular Xanax with no problems?




  1. Seizures are very rare with withdrawal, but they do happen. I was on 1.5 mg a day for 4 months. i went to 1 mg for 2 days and had horrible chest pains and rapid heartbeats. i called the pharmacist and they recommended me go down to 1.25, then 1.125, so forth only when i'm comfortable to step down, which is atleast 2 weeks on each dose. i'm on 1.25 now and think i will step down next week. you just have to watch yourself when you are weening off. recognize any odd symptoms and contact your pharmacist or dr. i don't think there would be a difference in xanax and xanax xr, so you should be fine as long as you follow the directions of your pharmacist as far as weening off goes. good luck.

  2. Any type of Xanax is powerful on the brain as it has a strong effect and is addicitive. I have heard of people coming off this drug who have seizures it's common. That's why it's considered a controversial drug for long term use because it works directly on the brain. However I understand how you feel because I too have chronic anxiety and have taken SSRIs for 10 years now and they work well but not for anxiety. I take valium as needed but feel like its time to take something on a daily basis. Just dont' mix it with Effexor XR...that's what I did and it mixed with the medication making me feel completly depressed and dark/glumey the next day...good luck...I think XR just means extended release which means that it stays in your sytem longer because it releases slowly throughout your might have seizures if you were to stop abruptly and not have anything to fall back on.

  3. No two people are the same I've taken it and no problems with a gradual withdraw. I prefer Valium 5mg because it works better for me because of a vertigo problem from Miniers disease

  4. I've been on Xanax for years. Never heard of XR but assume it's extended relief. Just because ut it wigged your hubby out has nothing to do with you, especially since you have already been on Xanax, you'll just have to take less probably.

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