
Xanax instead of Ativan?

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I have been recognized as having anxiety from my childhood and have been treated since I was 13. When I was in high school I was a victim of medical malpractice (over-medication on various anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, benzos, etc.) which has further complicated my already existing trust issues and anxiety treatment through psychotherapy. Over the past 3 years I have made a lot of progress after being taken off of almost all of my meds. I am now only taking Ativan for panic attacks or very nervous days. The thing is that I am noticing a resurgence in my anxiety, or hitting a rough spot in life, and I now feel the need for a more intense approach.

I think that the Ativan I am taking is not doing what it used to do for me and want to ask my doctor for another option, and I have been told by many people in my situation, and even some of my doctors, that Xanax would be a good option for me. What are the pros and cons of this plan? And how do I go about bringing it up with my doctor without seeming like a drug-seeker (I really do need something to help right now, not long term)?




  1. You need a new therapist and to dextox your body. Are you suppposed to be on these meds for the rest of your life? Do you not realize that it is effecting your RNA and DNA?  Im sure you colon is so slow that yourarely have bowel movements at this point.

    You were to young to start that level of meds and you have been on them way to long. You are addicted to the drugs by now. h**l my own dr wouldnt give me xanax when I was going thru a rough spot where I had 300k stolen from me and lost my business, because he cared about me and said he wouldnt want me to have that stuff in my body.

    You really need to get your self cleaned up. Dont you want to have kids later in life or a life for that matter?

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