
Xanax vs. Xanax XR anyone?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend used to take Xanax and it made him evil. It made him get angry and violent on his "come down" and he would abuse it so bad and take like 12 bars. I would find him passed out and couldn't wake him up at all. He's miss work, stopped caring about things, and basically messed his life up pretty bad. Well, he got off it but his retarded doctor put him on Xanax XR now! Is there a difference and has anyone done this switch? How did it work differently? Please help!!




  1. xr stands for extended release, it means he probably wont have those *coming down* moments anymore, which may make him less inclined to overdose and take to many, trust his doctor and trust him to be telling his doctor the truth... that xanax regular made him a bit...strange, if you dont trust your boyfriend to be telling the doctor the truth, then you may need to talk to the doctor and tell him what you see happening to your boyfriend.  i wish you all the best, this is one of those situations where only time can tell, if he overdoses again tho, you should really talk to his doctor and tell him that the drug is being abused

  2. I would not take either if it could be helped i just am trying to get off this poison

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