
Xanga Question!! Please answer!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I just got an xanga and i can't find the look and feel button because people say that's how you can use a theme that someone has posted on their xanga. is there any other way please be specific!





  1. They have a simple tutorial on how to change your Xanga's theme here ))

    As for the Look and Feel button, here is the info that I found:

    "Since Xanga did update its site, it is easier to find the look and feel button. First, you need to copy the code you got from the layout site then just click "Edit Look And Feel" when you enter your site afterwards...

    Go to the "Header" Section >> Click on the arrow next to the scroll down bar and click "Input Your Own Header HTML" >> Right click the empty white box and click "Paste" >> Scroll down the page and click save

    That's as simple as it gets..."

    I'm sorry if that doesn't help...I don't have a Xanga ((

  2. I got it!! I got it!!! Pick me!!

    Your answer is here!! ;0)

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