
Xbox 360, Wii, or PS3?

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What is the difference between xbox 360, wii, and ps3? How about the games? Which console do most people have? Which would you prefer and why? please explain and tell me what you know.




  1. I think Xbox is pretty awesome quality.


    I've never tried Wii.

  2. The Xbox 360 and PS3 are primarily geared to either hardcore or more mature gamers (although they have a lot of kid friendly and casual titles). The Wii is definitely a more casual console so it has a ton of titles geared towards a younger audience.

    Pricewise, the PS3 is the highest and Wii is the cheapest. Wii's have been selling like crazy, so a lot of people have them, but a lot of people own the other 2 as well. The Xbox 360 has the best online service and so if you like to play online, or download movies/games/TV shows, I would recommend that for the superior Xbox Live. The other two consoles both have online play and downloads as well though.

    The games for the 360 and PS3 are very similar and there are not a ton of exclusives for those consoles (meaning that many big games come out for both, with a few exceptions.) The Wii has a lot more exclusives so there are games (like anything to do with Mario or Zelda) that you'll only find on a Nintendo system.

    Bottom line is what you want the console for. If you prefer mature games, or multiplayer online then I would recommend the PS3 or 360. For more casual/party games or titles for kids, the Wii.  

  3. wii

  4. i would say whatever systems your friends have the most but this website should help you a lot

  5. There are differences in price range, software and functions. Every console has its positive and negative qualities.

    The Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 are very similar. They both offer traditional gameplay and decent graphics. I must ad that the PS3's controller is very small and it feels as if it's designed for children. The 360 controller feels a lot more comfortable. The Xbox 360 requires you to pay to play online games. The PS3 also allows the player to go online for free but the multiplayer servers are not as good.

    Both the 360 and the PS3 offer HD content  in games and movies. The Xbox 360 can read HD DVD discs, which is pretty pointless now because they don't make those anymore, and the PS3 can read Blu-Ray discs. Blu-Ray is expensive and since Sony was making an all-in-one media device, the PS3 comes with a $600 price tag, which is enough money to assemble a PC that is as powerful as the PS3 and has more capabilities.

    If you're a hardcore gamer, the Xbox 360 is the way to go. If you're a casual gamer, you should get a Wii.

    The Wii has some hardcore titles but its main focus is on games that anyone can pick up and play. The Wii has a motion sensitive controller which makes games easier to play for the entire family. This is why Nintendo's console is different from the other two consoles, which still rely on controllers based on the Snes controller from the early nineties. The main problem with Wii is that third party developers like to experiment with the controller and therefore there are a lot of extremely crappy games but fortunately Nintendo does know how to make great games.

    My personal favorites are the PC and the Wii. I don't play on 360 and PS3 because they make too many shooters and they're very hard to play with a traditional controller. I also don't play video games that much, it's been over a month now, so I'm a casual gamer who wouldn't pay for an online subscription or $600 for a console.

    Xbox 360: + Good controller, decent graphics, good online service; - online gaming costs money

    PS3: + Decent graphics, free online play, Blu-Ray compatible; - Ridiculously expensive, controller is too small

    Wii: + Innovative controller, free online play, great games; - a lot of S****y games as well, dated graphics card

    From best to worst: PC > Wii > Xbox 360 > PS3

  6. well the wii u have to move around when u play

  7. It ALL depends on what you like

    The Nintendo Wii is for........

    The more "casual gamer" that enjoys fun, not as hardcore games such as great titles like: Super Mario, Super Smash brothers, The Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario Party, No more Heroes, Sonic, Rock band, Guitar hero 3 and many other great titles. This system is generally geared toward the "casual gamer" or kids between the ages of 5-13 and for people that don't wish to spend $600 on a system

    The Xbox 360 is for..........

    The "hardcore gamer" such as people that enjoy these great titles: Halo, Gears of War, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Assasins Creed, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3 and many others. Your are able to watch movies in HD as well. This system is geared more towards the "hardcore gamer" between the ages of 13-18 and for people willing to spend a little more than $250, but not willing to spend $600

    The PS3 is geared more towards the had core gamer as well

    It also has great titles like: Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Rachet and Clank, Call of Duty, Resistance : fall of man, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3. It also has Blu-Ray. This is geared more toward people ages 10-18, but it's for people who are able to spend $600 on a system

    its your decision

  8. wen u play wii ur active

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