
Xbox 360 60GB UK - complaining to microsoft

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hi, i brought a 20GB version of the XBOX360 last week in the UK, i now see they are bringing out a 60gb version this week, i knew one may be coming out and searched for a long time to find out when so i could wait for it and get that but could find no firm details released by microsoft so assumed it wasnt any time soon. I would like to complain to microsfot about this as it doesnt seem fair potential customers were not given information about the new versions release and paid exactly the same amount for a lesser console a week prior, who can i direct my complain to within Microsoft?




  1. I feel sorry for you,really,I know how you feel.i was just about to get a 20GB one just when Microsoft gave details on the new 60GB one complete with the new Jasper chip as well.Actually to be honest,there is nothing you can do,'cause Microsoft is the kind of company which cares more about the money rather than their consumers,that's why I love Sony soo much,they are kind enough to actually care fr their consumers.

    Eg:The PS2 is still in production even after 2 years after PS3s release.But for the unfortune Xbox,dropped like a bad habit.

    So,you kind of have no choice but to move on with what you've got for now.d**n Microsoft.

  2. dont worry. its just extra GB. you only need just 10GB for the xbox 360.  you can return the xbox 360 and just get a new one.  

  3. i know what you mean, thats really bad that they never gave more notice. I believe its out friday and is the same price as the 20g version. I would email MS and see what they say but its really unlikley that you will get an exchange/refund as its not really their fault

    EDIT: 20g is plenty. i have a 20g version and have NEVER ran outta space. xbox live will work fine and 2bh you would never fill a 60g HDD aneway unless u donwloaded 50+ which is unlikley

  4. They said it was coming in August, so that was your fault for not being patient. They wouldn't give your complaint the time of day as it has nothing to do with them

  5. Think your best bet is to go back to the shop you bought it from and explain nicely and hope they show some mercy and let you trade it in for the 60GB one.

    End of the day those Xbox 360 20GB were discontinued to be replaced by the 60GB the shops really should of explained this to you last week because they knew a month ago at lease, then you would of gladly waited another week for it.

    Goto the shop tomorrow if you can with your proof of purchase and ask...dont ask dont get. If they dont let you have it they really are c**ts because its only been a week, not a month...and you deserve to get what you paid for.

  6. Dear Microsoft,

                           I have resently bought your console... the xbox 360 with a 20gb hard drive... but the week after you reliesed the 60gb version... is there any way for me to recieve a 60gb hard drive... becasue i bought my system for the same price as a 60gb system and i feel as though im getting less of a system... please let me know.

                   Your Friend,

                                      >your name here<

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