
Xbox 360 E74 red ring of death?

by  |  earlier

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If you're going to say "just get a PS3" i dont want one, so dont answer, i want serious answers.

My xbox 360 recently got 1 red light, with an error code of E74, i bought a fix off the internet, and it involved purposely overheating the system, and it worked, but after playing for a bit, the same happened, now, if i overheated it again, and then purchased a cooler for the back, would this prevent the E74 happening again?




  1. got to love google!!!!!!!

    The Specific Type of hardware failure can be determined by the error code displayed on the screen.

    If the screen is blank or you would like additional information follow the instructions for determining the secondary error code in the section below

    E45: Unknown (possibly dashboard update related)

    E64: DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, dvd is without f/w chip, etc.

    E65: DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, dvd is without f/w chip, etc. This can also be caused by the tray not being fully closed on boot.

    E66: DVD Drive Error: DVD model, or version does not match that of the version expected by the dashboard. OR the firmware version on the drive is older then the firmware version expected by the dashboard. Make sure the DVD drive is of the same version originally included with the console and that it is using either the original firmware included with the console or newer.

    E67: Hard Drive Error... It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it

    E68: Hard Drive Error... It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it, This can also be caused by a Hard Drive Eprom Error. Some also believe this might be caused by a problem with the fans.

    E69: Hard Drive Error... It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it

    E71: possibly a dashboard update error, Check below in the "Console Reset Codes" for instructions. If that does not work there is no other solution and the console must be sent back to MS for repair.

    E72: (not yet known)

    E73: General Hardware Error: Ethernet port... this error is caused by a problem with the Ethernet port.

    E74: AV cable error... There is a problem with the AV cable, try using a different AV cable. If the cable is known to be working then there is a 90% chance it's a scaler chip problem (the "ANA" or "HANA" chip connected directly to the AV cable) in rare cases it is the GPU.

    E76: (not yet known)

    E79: Hard Drive Error... It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it



    The specific type of hardware failure can be determined by a "hidden" error code

        * Turn the xbox 360 on, and wait till the 3 red lights are flashing.

        * Press and hold the sync up button (the small white one), while holding that button press the eject button.

        * The LEDs will now blink the first number in the code (as described below).

        * Release the eject button and press it again.

        * The LEDs will now blink the second number of the code.

        * Release the eject button and press it again.

        * The LEDs will now blink the third number of the code.

        * Release the eject button and press it again.

        * The LEDs will now blink the forth number of the code.

        * Release the eject button and press it again.

        * The LEDs will go back to the 3 red flashing lights.

    You should be able to determine the difference between the 3 flashing lights and the error code lights by the rate in which they flash.

    Here is how you interpret the LEDs to get the code number:

        * All four lights flashing - 0

        * One light flashing - 1

        * Two Lights flashing - 2

        * Three lights flashing - 3

    0001 power supply problem

    0002 Network Interface problem

    0003 Power problem could be the PSU could be the GPU/CPU, somehow the console isn't getting clean power from the power supply.

    0010 over heating

    0011 over heating - If you are receiving this error after disassembling your console make sure to all 8 of the heatsync screws are tightened securely to the board/heatsink holes.

    0012 over heating

    0013 over heating

    0020 (Not yet known, possibly overheating)

    0021 DVD Drive Time out - Can be caused by problems with a firmware flash. This is also speculated to sometime be caused by a problem with the southbridge chipset on the motherboard.

    0022 GPU Error / GPU Overheating

    0023 (not yet known)


    0101 (not yet known)

    0102 unknown error

        * though it's most likely GPU related literally means the console does not know what is wrong. possibly a short or cold solder joint somewhere. So far there is 1 major theory for what causes most of these errors is that the Ram, CPU, or GPU are not soldered properly to the mother board due either to poor manufacturing or excessive heat up and cool down cycles that stress, weaken and eventually break the soldered connection.

          There are two theories to fixing this one deals with the "X" clamps that hold down the chips. The other involves re-Heating the chi

  2. E74 is a hardware problem.... its not a heating problem....

    follow the instructions on microsoft support site for 360.

    purchasing an intercooler may not fix the issue, as i have had a 360 since it was released and i have not used an intercooler and still havent had this error appear.

    If the support offered on the website doesnt work, call them and see if they can repair it

    Note: repair costs about $90 dollars Australian if your xbox is out of warranty

  3. If you get the third red light you can send the xbox off to Microsoft and they will repair it or give you a new one free of charge.

  4. ring xobx they will pick it up 4 free and give you 3 months live free

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