
Xbox 360 Gamertags For Matches?

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Just wondering if anyone wants to have matches on rainbow 6 vegas 1 and 2 or gta iv or gears of war if you do leave me your gamertag and i will add you ASAP Okay thanks




  1. do you have halo and whats your gamertagand mine is killergamer96

  2. I got GTA 4

    RedRingOF D3ath

    btw i gotta get a mic \i dont have one\

  3. Gears of War - Ss RaDiTz

    and to the guy who has halo, add me. Btw im goina demolish both your ****s, its goina happen sure you want to do this?

  4. BL0WING CHUNKS is my gamertag , the 0 in bl0wing is a zero.

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