
Xbox 360 Headset Problem?

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I am on Xbox Live and I plug in the headset and turn up the volume, but when someone talks I can't hear them. How can I solve this?





  2. Unplug your mic, plug it back in. Turn off your controller turn it back use a different controller, its broken, always have a spare mic.

  3. slide the the button on it to the mic

  4. if you created your live account as a minor then you have parental settings that dictate who you can talk to. if you can only hear your friends but not anyone else sign out of xbox live go to the dashboard and sign into your parents windows live id account. go to friends and something i forgot. then go to voice and something i forgot. haha. then change the setting to everyone.

  5. ur mics probley broke

  6. Same thing happened to me..Trust me..and just buy a new headset..

    Try to push and hold the plug-in for the Headset.. you will be able to hear what they are saying. ( That's only when you're manually holding it in )  

  7. This is probably because that your NAT(Network Address Translation) is closed or moderate in your connection settings.

    To fix this, if you run on a Wi-Fi connection, you have to access your administrator page on your Wi-Fi device database via a computer.

    Open up the database and select your NAT programming and it should give you an option to open it or close it.

    You want to select "open".

    Note however, that some devices might be very different from others. For example, I'm running on NETGEAR. This system needs the NAT to be manually opened.

    You should go to 360 forums and check what they have to say about NAT because it all depends on what kind of connection you're using.

  8. Your mic probably fried it self during a chat and thus fried the whole set leaving it useless.... Happened to me and boy did it suck so in stead of fidily with it get a new one. But Before You do this Unplug the head set and turn of controller the plug back in and turn on before buying a new one

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