
Xbox 360 Help... Red Rings of Death! Will give best answer!

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I have had my Xbox 360 Elite for a year and now it got the rings of death. Is there a way of fixing it myself ? Or do i have to give to Microsoft or return it to Best Buy where I got it from.(I have the receipt) Best advice gets best answer. I want it fixed fast because I want Madden 09.





  1. Well, Microsoft will fully cover any ring of death issues for a full 3 years after you bought the system.  Make sure that it is actually a ROD issue though.  If you see all 4 lights are red, then it isn't really the ROD, that means that one of your cables is loose or unplugged.  If there are only three lights then it is the real deal.  You'll have to send it in to microsoft for a repair/replacement.  It only takes a couple weeks and they will pay the shipping costs and you'll have a new system for free.  Here's the link to sign up for that if needed.  btw, I thought they were supposed to fix the ROD issue for elite models...hmmm...

    Good luck.

  2. you can't return it to best buy, they only have a 30 day return policy, unless you bought the warranty, then you should have to call the phone number on the brochure. i would call microsoft, you might have to wait to play madden... 1-800-4MY-XBOX

  3. i had the same problem, i called this number  


    Assistance by phone seven days a week.


    International (direct dial to U.S.): 425-635-7180

    Hearing Impaired (TDD device): 1-866-740-9269 or 425-635-7102

    Hours of operation (every day):

    9:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. Eastern Time

    6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Pacific Time

    as i called, they gave me information about the x box and when i got it. it turned out it needed a repair so they send me a box to send the x box to them to fix it. about 1 week later, it arrived and it worked like new so i suggest you call.


  4. Well there is probably a way for you to do it, although im not sure how, you'd better let a trained tech fix it. That way you know its being done right.

    By going in yourself you void your warrenty, and may cause further damage.

    It may take longer, but its most definitly worth it.

  5. If you try to fix it youself, and it does not work? Then you are screwed.

    If you have have the 360 for less than 3 years, just send it back to Microsoft (call 1800-4-myxbox) and it will take 2-3 weeks and be free!

    DO NOT try the "towel trick" it is the single stupidest idea you could try. Not only does it not fix your system, it wastes your time.

    Bestbuy will takes it back, if you bought a warrenty from them, if not, they will not.

  6. Ok there is a cloth trick where u turn it on, and cover it with blankets....then you keep covering it with all that stuff....and keep it running until it gets reallllyyy basically u are getting rid of it from how u got it. Then once its really hot, shut it off and take off all the blankets and everything. Let it cool down to normal. Then turn it on again. Ive actually saw this when i was at my friends house. But careful because it will happen again and ur gonna have to keep doing it. You might as well send it back. But just try it and see how long it lasts.

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