
Xbox 360 Wireless/Wired Controller Screwed up BAD?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I am utterly fu**ing confused. My wireless xbox 360 controller's left stick button has stopped working for completely no reason. no physical damage at all. and the WEIRD thing is, is that whenever I press the Xbox button it functions as the new left stick button. Like play GRAW 2 I cant crouch but when I press the xbox button it makes me lay down. Why the F*** has this happened?! How the F*** do I fix it?! For some reason I'm thinking that it is caused by my rechargeable batteries. I don't know why I think that. AND the FUNNIEST THING is that when I gave up and just used my WIRED CONTROL which has always worked fine no damage. When I plug t in its stuck in the right direction. Play a game or browse a menu? I constantly head right. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?




  1. if you have a warranty you can send a controller in practically any condition and they will replace it. Trust me, i send to in and got two brand new ones. They were both wireless. The black ones was F******d up so bad. Just call    18004myxbox  (its customer support)   and they will help you, just make sure you dont tell them you dropped anything or something like that. good luck, by the way, i sent my xbox in as well and got a perfectly refurbished one, then modded it lol =]]]]]

  2. Go buy a new one!

    Or tell them you haven't had it long and tell them you want a completely new one coz you feel ripped off.


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