
Xbox 360 all around better than PS3? I'm doing a persuasion speech for a public speaking class?

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Okay, so I have a speech for my public speaking class at school and Im doing mine on why you should buy a XBOX 360 instead of a PS3.

Now I know both systems are amazing, but i definitely lean towards the 360 mainly because of game selection. You got Gears of War (BEAUTIFUL GAME) along with Gears 2, and not to mention, Halo 3. Which is part of one of the most successful video game trilogies of all time. and many other games that are very successful.

I know that ps3 has better hard ware and this oh so famous Blu-ray, but is getting a ps3 for Blu-ray really worth it? I hear that Blu-ray takes longer lto load and the memory on the disc is duplicated at certain places to make loading times faster, thus taking up extra space on the disc.

I really need to know about this Blu-ray stuff because my ps3 fanboys in my class can only say "we have blu-ray so ps3 is better".

So if someone could please go over the pros and cons overall it would be greatly appreciated i.e. who has better and more successful games, better features, accessories, and so on. But most importantly i need to know about blu-ray.

Thank you.




  1. hey, I had to do one of those school, but this was a number of years ago, I did xbox vs. ps2, sorry forgot what I said for the presentation lol

  2. xbox 360 is not better then ps3 (i would know i have them both and the wii) so you should add some peoples personal (likes) in each system.

    for instance my likes in xbox 360: everyone has it becuase its cheap. more games.

    dis likes: $50 a year for online ****. the interent is down and microsoft pisses me off. THE # RINGS OF DEATH WHICH I GOT SO I BOUGHT A PS3 UNTIL IT WAS FIXED.

    now for the ps3: likes: way better graphics. free online play. better hard drive. blueray.

    dislikes: its expensive so not alot of people have it!!

    so and you rfacts are rong becuase bluerya takes quicker to load then xbox 360!!!

    and no one like halo.

    so your speech should be y some may liek one console better then the other!

    and blueray is amazing. and ps3 has way better features then xbox 360 did i mention that stupid RING AROUND TEH DISC IF YOU MOVE TEH SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    email if you need to know anything else becuase i have both so i am not biased on my option!

    UPDATE did i mention the wifi already in the ps3 so why buy the wifi thing for xbox for $100!!!!!!!

  3. Here is everything u need to kno:


    I have an Xbox 360 Elite while my friend has the PS3. We compared the graphics of the game, it turns out that its EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!! The only graphical difference wer the movies, videos, and pictures of the game which looked better on my friends PS3 (although not that much.) Turns out all those fancy words like "Blu-Ray reader 2.0" and "Cell Processor" don't mean squat when it comes to GAME graphics, only improves video graphics.


    The good thing about the PS3 is that you have a browser internet with online gaming  for FREE!!!!!!! The b******s at microsoft ddnt think that us paying the internet was enough so they decided to make us pay an additional 60 $ a year only for online gaming!!!! Its not even a browser, u can only on xbox live marketplace to BUY MORE MICROSOFT PRODUCTS (its a sort of SICK and TWISTED monopoly)


    The new PS3 80GB and 120 GB are comin out each at 200$ cheaper. The reason: They removed backwards compatibility on both (the thing that lets u play a few of the PS1 and PS2 that you already had) So ALL the people that bought a PS3 before wer screwed over. 200 $ cheaper JUST FOR REMOVING BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY WHICH NO ONE EVER USES!!!!!!   But at least now The PS3 is affordable and comes at a lower/ same price as the 360 Elite.


    People talk about exclusive games on Xbox 360 like Halo3 and Gow 1-2 but let me tell you that Ps3 also has an impressive stack of exclusive games like "gran turismo" series, "Ratchet and Clank" series, "God of war" series....


    The xbox 360 is really getting on my nerves when it comes to OFFLINE/split-screen multiplayer gaming. i have a small bro and i always want to play with him but The b*****s of the Xbox gaming companies do not think offline gaming is as important as online (also a monopoly to try to make you buy the Xbox live membership). I mean 3/4 of the games i have dont have any sort of offline multi-!!!


    The dualshock3 (PS3 controller) sux!!! I mean d**n we are payin TOP $ just to get the SAME controller as the PS1 and PS2 !!! at least change its shape a little!!!


    region restriction: im not sure about the Ps3 having any (most probably yes) but on the xbox that is what pisses me off the most!!! This means that if u bought ur console fron the US u cant get any games to work on ur console except from the US and canada(and its other regions) so if the game cost 60 $ in the US and 30 $ in dubai or japan u have to buy the 60 $ one (also a type of monopoly)


    The Xbox 720 is comin out in 2010 while the PS4 is comin out in 2014

    This means that the current 360 owners will be losers cause there will be a newer stronger console in their category which will make the gaming companies focus their greatest ideas/games on the new console rather than the old. I mean u just got the 360 out in 2005 (i.e. it will last only 5 years) can u t least give us the time to play the 360 for a while microsoft?!?!? Sony is being more generous by giving people time till 2014 (about 8 years)


    1- Good for xbox 360

    2- Good for PS3

    3- Bad for PS3 (if ur an old buyer) / good for PS3 (if ur a new buyer)

    4- Good for both

    5- BAD for xbox 360

    6- Bad for PS3

    7- Bad for both (if there are restrictions in PS3; if not then bad for 360 only)

    8- Bad for 360

    In the end it depends on part 3- and 7-

  4. Sony really got arrogant with the PS3 and blew it big time. Its cost them alot of exclusives, and alot of titles in general, as well as alot of customers. 360 has more games, and majority of the better games. Ps3 has a handful, but thats it, and more and more of them are coming out on the 360 too.

    PS3 has greater graphic capabilities when maxed out, but its graphics processors are separate, and cant work on the same thing. 360s has a few less graphics processors, however they are unified.

    So... basically, what this boils down to is, PS3 has higher graphic processors assuming a game takes advantage of it. However, when building to the lowest common denominator (common practice for multi-console release), any of the 360's processor's which arnt be utilized can assist the others. The PS3's cant, idle processors just sit idle. So, a game built for the lowest common denominator (as many games are) should look equivalent, if not better, on the 360.

    PS2 was a great machine, and was the lowest common denominator of last gen. GC and xbox power wasn't really utilized most the time. Sony seemed to see microsoft's business model and said 'hey, lets take that up a notch' and magnified every mistake. Ps3 is the hardest to utilize, the most expensive to dev for, and the most expensive to own. Either sony got lucky last gen, or they forgot everything that worked.

    When the PS3 came out, I was simply appalled. Not only did they not learn from the ps2, they didnt learn their mistakes in the psp either. PS3 could be wiping the floor with 360, but they're idiots. Now I own a 360 and a Wii, with no intention of getting a PS3, especially with their newer non-backwards compatible models. Majority of sony's good games are ps2.

    The only ps3 exclusive that impressed me is no longer exclusive; ffxiii.

    Alot comes down to price. Nintendo figured this out. Microsoft got lucky by Sony's current spell of idiocy. That basically sums up the console sells in America.

    Currently, Im not seeing many rpgs on any of the new machines (although 360 has a few REALLY nice ones), a little disappointing; 360 is king of action, ps2 is king of rpgs, wii and ds of funky new games, and ps3 of... blu-ray? Idk. Hollywood still isnt using true HD either yet, so until then... blu-ray is a moot point too. Sony disappoints ><

  5. First off, the PS3 has better graphics than the 360 because it came out almost a year later. However, the load times are ridiculously long. The Xbox 360 loads faster than the PS3 mainly because that uses Blu-ray and its hard to extract that much data.

    The 360 has better support, both in warranties and in games. There are more games out for the 360 and the PS3, and microsoft services their warranties pretty well.

    As for online, Xbox live beats PSN by a long shot. Since you pay for XBL ($45 for 13 months via a card), microsoft has an entire department dedicated to maintaining it's network. Overall it runs very very smoothly and only has issues when their servers go down (been a member for about 4 years; its happened twice withing 2 weeks. Thats it). PSN is free and sony feels no need to service it. We tried playing Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, and the games were so laggy that we would barely load the maps, and then plaing was nearly impossible (and we knew that it was PSN because XBL works perfectly for us). Plus, you have access to XBL Marketplace with XBL. There are a lot of sweet games and updates on there too. And Blu-ray doesn't make that much of a graphical difference, it just has greater storage space.

    I vote 360!

  6. why do people always hav to compare d 2.can u not just let people get which console they want.if people want a cheap console they get d 360 nd if they want a console that is future proof nd has a lot to offer they get a ps3.

  7. First I will do the xbox 360, and then the PlayStation 3.

    XBOX 360 PROS:

    - Great game selection! Much wider than PS3

    - Very competitive online gaming VS the PS3

    - Affordable

    - Easy to use downloadables

    - Great customer support! 1-800 4 MY-XBOX

    - Constant updates and information added often

    XBOX 360 CONS:

    - The ever so famous Red Ring of Death.

    - Very noisy system while being played!

    - Paying for online game-play

    - Too many technical problems

    PS3 PROS:

    - Blue ray(don't really know much about that though)

    - Graphics are pretty tight

    - Free online game-play

    - The look of the system is wicked

    - Quiet while running.

    PS3 CONS:

    - VERY expensive for what it offers

    - Online sucks VS the 360! No competition! Ppl also dont have mics!

    - No good games out, bad variety of games

    - ***No vibration in controllers!!!!!!!!! It takes alot away from the gaming!!!

    - Downloadable content is sometimes wierd on the PS3

    Hope that helps mate. VIVA 360!!!!

  8. I agree with Jonti..his facts are spot on! Just one thing to add:

    1. that the graphical difference are not THAT different! I've played on both  (and have neither) I have done a lot of reading of comparisons of the two (i'm no expert though) and they are NOT that different graphically.

    2. PS3 is a powerful media hub, probably more so than the 360 as the hard can be upgraded by joe public (its 2.5 inch hard drive so can be swapped out, unlike the 360's). And the Blue Ray drive is DiVX compatible (so you can watch ripped movies (YE PEE!!!).

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