
Xbox 360 and/or LCD TV problem please help?

by Guest55789  |  earlier

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I have a 46" samsung LCD TV with the capacity of 1080p, so i connected my xbox 360 to the tv and changed the HD settings on the xbox to 1080p. now when i play a game like bioshock sometimes for a couple of seconds the screen goes black and say "mode not supported". then goes back. it happens when there's a lot of movement on the game, but i dont know how to fix it.




  1. well I'm no expert, but i am guessing that there is a framerate issue which is generated by the 360's high resolution. It seems that the framerate cannot keep up to the 60 frames per second and is cutting out. So if i was you i would use the 1080 i or lower setting that the xbox can provide.

    [hope that helps?]

  2. Well your TV shouldn't be the is a full HD television, and shouldn't have a problem handling your Xbox's gameplay.

    Maybe you set it to play in a different mode, such as 1080i. If your problem persists, try to see if this happens to any of your other games. If not, this could just be an issue with Bioshock.

    If it does happen to other games, then I'm afraid it has to do with the HD settings. You may just have to settle for standard graphics like most of us. :)

  3. How are you connecting the 360 to your TV?  Are you using a HDMI cable, or something else?

    If you're only using the component video cable, it could be that the cable isn't capable of carrying the data fast enough (HDMI has much higher bandwidth than the component cables.)

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