
Xbox 360 constantly reading games as DVD's?

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I have had this problem ever since I got Halo 3. It was the first 360 game I had put into my xbox, and seems to have cause some problems. Before, all I usually played was Halo 2 on Xbox Live, and I had (and have) no problems. To this day, any original xbox game I put in works just fine. But no matter what Xbox 360 game I put in (brand new or old), 80% of the time it will say it is a DVD after starting up, and if I just put it in while its on, it will give me a white screen and tell me to put the disc into an Xbox 360 console to play it. I have dealt with this for a while now, as my warranty is apparently up, and I have just been waiting for it to RROD so I can send it in. The Xbox 360, when I finally get the game working (which takes me 20 to 30 times of turning the xbox on and off until it no longer says a DVD is in the tray) will make these sounds almost like its grinding my CD, and will make a sound periodically like this..

Does anyone know what the problem is or how to fix it maybe without voiding my RROD warranty?




  1. its most likley to be the disk drive so send it to micosoft there fix it if its more than 3 yrs old ur have to pay £60 to get it fixed. hope it gos well.

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