
Xbox 360 flashed and ring of death appeared. can it be reversed or can i send it bk 2 microsoft?

by  |  earlier

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I have got my xbox 360 flashed and the ring of death has appeared. WOuld i beable to send it back to microsoft as it is or can it be unflashed? the harddrive is a samsung. Any help would be appreciated.





  1. You have the wrong category for this type of question my friend..this is the category for yahoo 360 blog questions.. this belongs in the games and recreation category.Try posting it there and I believe you will receive a lot more and better answers than in this category.

  2. Microsoft extended the warranty for the xbox.

    If you have the warranty then you can send it back to them to have it repaired

    You can check these links out for help and support.

    You can post this in the Games and Recreation category and get better advice

    Your question came here by mistake ,this is not your fault.

    This is Yahoo 360 social network category

    You can see that they both have 360 in them   lol

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