
Xbox 360 for sale, anyone?

by  |  earlier

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Well first of I want to sell it because it stops me from looking for a job, 2nd reason is that I'm 20 years old and finally I think it's a bad influence on life.

So advice on how and where to sell it to get as much money as I can for it.

Boxed Core console

Wireless controller

Wired controller

64mb memory card

Burnout Revenge


Call Of Duty 4



All in very good condition, how much would you say? Where would you sell it? Has to be in the UK




  1. why would you sell the console on its own its like saying i have a bike will you sell the wheels seprate

  2. I reckon you could get £150 for the lot on e-bay.

  3. £200 should be good but would be better if it had a 20gb hard drive. and just give it to relatives or a brother or sister.

  4. ill be intrested in buying the console no games just the console would u sell that seppratly?

  5. on wbay your get about £160 for that lot, concerding thats how much they are new with no games

    and the cores been replaced by the arcade you got a outdated model

  6. nah probably about £120 on ebay if you have original box

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