
Xbox 360 or PS3? Please give an answer with bias and the truth.?

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Give a very long answer with the very truth - the reasons why Xbox 360 or PS3 is better.

My own answer (the fact that this information including stat is true) is here and let me know if you agree with me or not:

Xbox 360 VS PS3's fact specification list here:

PROCESSOR: 3.2 GHz PowerPC with 3 dual-threaded processor cores VS

3.2 GHz Cell processor with 7 single-threaded synergistic processing units cores

GPU: 500 MHz ATI-based custom processor VS

550 MHz Nvidia-based RSX "Reality Synthesizer"

MAIN SYSTEM RAM: 512 MB GDDR3 RAM (700 MHz), shared with GPU VS

256 MB XDR RAM (3.2GHz)

VIDEO RAM: 512 MB RAM (700 MHz) plus 10 MB embedded DRAM VS

256MB GDDR3 (700MHz)


48 GB/sec

Both have some advantages and disadvantages. Keep in mind, Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles are mainly related to GAMES more than entertainment and other services such as movies, music, download, chat.

Both are pretty good systems, but I recommended you to get Xbox 360 because it has a great range of game selection, as well as it has a great online service support (except fees), performance and visual quality.


PS3 has some excellent exclusively games such as Metal Gear Solid 4, of course. But Xbox 360 has a large number of great games (approximately 90 games are over 80% rating, compares to PS3 has approximately 45). The PS3 versions will be ports of the X360 versions. (The opposite was true for Xbox vs. PS2).

Xbox 360 is also far better development tools, better documentation, and easier architecture. That is a obviously reason game developers aren't able to develop a game for PS3 version, unless they have knowledge of the PS3's development tools required.

PS3 has Blu-Ray inbuilt - you can watch full high-definition movies and it is the cheapest blu-ray player in market. Blu-ray can be store up to 50gb, compares to X360's DVD-DL is only 9gb. That means game developers are able to develop loads of missions, characters, cut-scenes, etc.

However, our currently time, most games can be fitting on DVD-DL, plus Microsoft produced a special software that able to reduce file size in same game quality (for example; Grand Theft Auto 4).

List of EXCELLENT exclusively games that will come out in 2008 in the following:

Xbox 360

~Too Human

~Infinite Undiscovery

~Fable 2

~Gears of War 2

~Halo Wars

and there are some more exclusively games.



~SOCOM: Confrontation

~MotorStorm: Pacific Rift

~Resistance 2

and there are very few more exclusively games.

Plus, there are more EXCELLENT exclusively games again are coming out in 2009 in the following list:

Xbox 360

~Star Ocean: The Last Hope

~Alan Wake

~Blue Dragon 2

~Mass Effect 2

~Splinter Cell: Conviction


~Killzone 2

~Gran Turismo 5


~Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier

~MAG: Massive Action Game


Both are pretty good with online service. Xbox 360 is actually better due to it has a lot of great features (an example of one feature - when you download a large file size on PS3, you will be stucked, you can't do anything else while actively downloading, unlike Xbox 360 - you can play a game, watch a movie, listen to music or whatever you want during downloading in the background. Even you can turn your console off, it goes into a low power mode until the downloads are complete, then completely shuts down). X360 has one disadvantage - if you want to play online multiplayer, you then must pay fee, compares to PS3, which is free. But remember, one year Gold membership costs US$49.99 only. Simple and inexpensive. Plus, the fact that PS3 requires high power of electricity. One year Gold Membership $50 divided by 365 equals 13 cents. 13 cents plus the electricity of Xbox 360 required equals in total of price is 24 cents per day, compares to PS3 used electricity for more than 24 cents per day, even without PSN.

Xbox Live also has a great support for users (e.g., PS3 is a free subscription - sometimes it can cause the internet in trouble. You pay subscription for Xbox Live Gold membership, they will help you solving the problem).


On paper, the PS3 is more powerful. In reality, it’s quite inferior to the Xbox 360. X360 has three PowerPC cores, compares to PS3 has only one Cell processor core with seven Synergistic Processing Units. The X360 has are FAR easier to take advantage of than the SPU’s on the PS3.


The Xbox 360's graphic card design is more flexible and it has more processing power than the PS3's graphic card, thanks to ATI's unified shader architecture and it contains 10MB of embedded DRAM. Half of games on Xbox 360 has larger size resolution than PS3 does (e.g., GTA 4's native resolution is 720p on Xbox 360, compares to PS3 is 640p). From a game review site, GameSpot, did a good job to analysis with graphics comparation. As they proved that Xbox 360 has quite superior visual quality than PS3 does.





  1. xbox 360's are the best. if you know what you are doing you can hook it up to your pc and view your pics and music from your pc and you can also get media centre which you can record and watch live shows. i just love going on msn through the xbox though.

  2. PS3 is still full of potential. The only thing that make people pick 360 over PS3 was the cost and Halo.

    PS3 have Blu-Ray which can store much more data compare to HD-DVD that is pretty much dead by this point.

    PS3 came/coming out with it's popular games such as MGS4, Resident Evil, FF, Tekken, and much much more.

    I like all systems for different things. Wii is the best when it come to party. 360 have great shooting games. PS3 is the most useful overall though.

    I'm a PS fan boy though, so of course I'd pick PS3 over anything else.  

  3. of course the ATI isnt better than the Reality Synthesizer, u got that one wrong. and another wrong, the ps3 has EIGHT sycnhronised processors.

    and dear goodness have u got the games all wrong.

    Metal Gear Solid 4. that is THE game that shows ps3's superiority to 360.

    another wrong in ur comment, ps3 can do ANYTHING while downloading, as long as its not a system update, or something similar, where did u get the impression that it couldnt?

    but when it all comes down to it, its all about personal opinion isnt it?

    and another slightly wrong is that dvd-dl can only hold 8.5gb.

    and its not about thousands of games for a console that ur not gonna buy anyways... its about having a good range with VERY good quality. if its for ps3, you know its gonna be good. (unless its multiplatform)

  4. difinently ppppppppppsssssssssssssssss3333333333333...

    i have and none  of yu xbox fans can say **** buy ps3 am telling yu yu ain't gonna regret it  

  5. whoa u like writing alot :)

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