
Xbox 360 red ring of death???????

by  |  earlier

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have a electricity problem, it goes low! does that have anything to do with me getting the red ring of death?




  1. well the red ring of death happens when your xbox 360 overheats when you play to long.

    and no that doesnt have anything to do with the rong of deaths i have an xbox elite and i had it for 9 months now and i play like 5 hours a day. i cant get the ring of death because the elite can never can get the ring of death the white ones have a certain time you can play it  

  2. Personally, I think it can be lots of things that have caused it, yes it may be because of it overheating, or because you've been playing it for too long. Aren't people forgetting that it's an error? It could also mean that you've entered a bad cheat for another game and it's taken effect on the console.

    Where do people get off saying "the person above/below me is wrong" for all we know we could all be wrong, it could just be a little error.

    P.S Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  3. Hi,

    No the red ring is caused by the GPU and the CPU taking far too much heat. To fix this you need to stop the amount of heat being taken by these 2 chips which are the main chips on the motherboard.

    You can send it back to Microsoft and they will do this for you, or you can fix it yourself with a good Xbox 360 Repair guide.

    If you go for the option to fix the problem yourself make sure you get a guide with a preview of the videos that you will recieve and also a full guarantee and then you cannot go wrong.

    Hope this helps!

  4. get a fan for your 360 so it doesnt overheat.

  5. Yes, what probably happened is it got undervolted. Try unplugging everything and plugging everything back in. The ring of death usually has nothing to do with heat. There are over a billion things that can go wrong with the systems. Usually it isn't something as simple as heat.

  6. sounds like you need a new power brick imo.  and no that has NOTHING to do with the RROD (Red Ring Of Death).  The RROD is caused by the 360 over heating.

    EDIT:  the person above me is wrong.  You can not get a RROD from a hard drive issue  If thats the case you will get a error message on your 360 and not a RROD.  I know what I am talking about since I actually fix RROD for a private torrent game ( tracker  I fix them with the x-clamp mod.  I know alot about what caused a RROD and a hard drive/dvd drive does NOT cause them at all.

  7. Whoever says the RROD is from over heating is dumb....

    The first Xbox 360 I got had RROD the first time i turned it on. I turned it on again and it worked for a while but ended up getting RROD permanently the next few days.

  8. I don't think that has anything to do with it. I think the red ring of death is caused by an inability to load something from the hard drive, temporarily or permanently.

    You could try restarting the console a couple times, and if that doesn't work you should send it back into Microsoft.

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