
Xbox 360 trouble plz help!?

by  |  earlier

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i had my xbox 360 about 2 or three months after it came out and now it has 3 quadrents turn red when i turn it on and most of the people iv'e read about say it's their top left but mine it the top right. i did get it to work once when i taken my brothers hard drive out and put it in my and it worked until i needed the memory from the hard drive then i was stuck and iv'e try every thing, if i need to send it back to be repaired how much would it cost? cheers!





    its broken

    call up customer support and theyll send a box

    it should be free

    if not it will be 60 dollars

    it takes ages

    and it sucks

    ahh well



  2. it should be free if you send it back to microsoft

    thats wat i had to do  

  3. The red ring of death.

    You need to send it back to get it fixed (for free), but it takes a while. Maybe buy a core pack & use that till the other one comes back. Then trade the old one in.

    I feel your pain

  4. if you have warranty then it should be free, and you get free 1 month xbox live

  5. something similar happed to my friend it is probably the hard drive not your xbox try the hard drive on another xbox to conform if its the hard drive or the xbox,

  6. if you have 3 red circles then it crashed, probably if it was hit or dropped, or even if it was on for too long. take it to a gamestop or computer/electronic store to get it fixed.(if they can)

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