
Xbox350 has frozen 3 times, what is wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I got my xbox 360 in may, so it has the new chipset, so i dont think its due to over heating.

basicaly, when i was playing halo every 20 mins it froze and i had to restart it. i would have to hold the power button for like 3 secs too.

my xbox has froze before, like 5 times, but never this many times in an hour.




  1. Check the steps listed on the below link.

  2. your 360 is about to bite the bullet.  Those multipule freezing is a symptom that your 360 is about to RROD (Red Ring Of Death) on you.  Keep it in a cool try area.  Try this as well.

    I keep mine 6 inches from a window AC unit I have and it stays cool all the time.  I have had my 360 since launch day and play it like 6 hours a day.  As long as you keep it cool it wont break.  

  3. Well, the scratched up disc could be one of the reasons it is freezing. Also, make sure that the unit is in an open, cooled off area. Regardless of having the new chip-set, you could still have heating issues. Also, what orientation do you have the XBox in? Is it standing on its side or do you have it laying flat? If it is vertical, lay it down because that is a cause for a lot of problems. Having it vertical can also give your discs laser burn. It's rare, but happens more often with units that are upright. If you have any games that have a white circle on the back (whether big or small, there is one or hundreds), those games have a laser burn, which is usually irreparable. This is caused by the games wobbling while being read, again from either the 360 standing upright or from moving the unit while it is on and it is reading a disc.

    Another thing could be your disc drive getting ready to go out. Usually, this is accompanied with grinding sounds and your disc tray having difficulties opening or closing.

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