Ok, so basically 3 month back i brought a 360, worked like a charm, odd crash once or twice, should be expected. The other day, my little cousin was playing on it for 6 hours O_o and during gameplay it froze, thinking nothing of it, i rebooted the console, set him on it again.
Turned out, it then wouldnt get past the microsoft logo, freezing at sporadic times, after a few more attempts i left it. Got up next morning, and played a good 2 hours with my little cousin on co-op. only to have it freeze, and sporadically crash at logo, dashboard, and 20 seconds into game. I called up support, took out hard drive - tried, failed. ran inital setup again - tried, failed. Its not been connected to xbox live for a few month, so thats not an issue.... Not happy to add to the fact that it scratched halo 3 in a perfect ring, and Cod 4 with some nice lines (just brought it). Any advice on how to stop this? dont want to have to RMA it back to them and have to wait 4 weeks to get another one. Customer support also refused to refund / replace halo3/cod4, even though its the console scratching the disk (Cod was brand new this morning). So im not a happy bunny. Any advice to get it to work? or should i just Ditch my 360, set it on fire, and convert back to the land of ps3... with no games.