
Xbox360? Verticle Or Horizontal?

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So i want to know the Pros and Cons For The vertical Position and the Horizontal position And which is better. Thanx




  1. I like the horizontal position, it just seems safer to me.  I never like having any of the consoles standing up because it weirds me out.  I once had the xbox upside down and it scratched a disc when I turned it on.  In scratched it all to h**l and I had to take it back to the store (cuz it came that way...), so don't do that either : ).  I also hear that standing it up limits the air that can be used to cool it.  As many know the box has a problem with over heating, but they have been working on fixing that.  In case you were looking into buying a cooling system DON'T.  I hear bad things about it.  No matter what you do with it just make sure it's in a safe place and can get plenty of air to cool it.  However, it's hard to tell what any of us hear is true or not.  I don't think you are gonna get good answers for this though because the question should have been asked in a video game forum, not the Yahoo 360 forum (not the same).

  2. Horizontal helps with heat dissipation and is therefore that much better. With the Vertical set up, the heat is generated all over the XBox, but in general will feed up and through the top (where the hard drive is). Some escapes out of the sides, but much of it will linger inside and work up the case. In horizontal set up you have a large surface with vents in order for the heat to flow straight up and out (keeps the hard drive out of the heat flow).

    With the XBox 360 heat issues you need to be aware of the build up. Make sure that you have substantial amounts of free space around the console. Also, whilst some manufacturer's are creating fan systems that plug directly into the back of the console, they are not needed (and may actually increase heat up problems - particularly if your XBox is inside a cabinet.

    (UPDATE): In response to a post below - the Red Ring is in no way random. It signifies hardware failure, often actually caused by over heating. But there is absolutely nothing random about it.

  3. it is really not too important as long as you dont move it when it is on cuz it will sratch the **** out of your disk

    i think vertical is the best

    it gives it less of a chance of overheating

    flat will be les likely to fall and scratch your game

    both have pros and cons

    and btw the red ring of death is random not cuased by heat as the previous anserer said

  4. Having it horizontal is the best. It also gives more ventilation to the 360. You also don't have to worry about it falling over.

  5. what a stupid question

  6. put it on the side. then it cant heat up and produce the red rings----- important info

  7. This is the category for Yahoo! 360 profile pages not the Xbox 360 game unit. You might want to either post this question in the Games & Recreation category, in order to get some informative answers, or visit this site:

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