
Xbox360 vs. PS3?????

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ok i kno evry1 asks this but i need to ask myself. ok i got $575 to spend on one of these systems but i wanna know which is better

be detailed give pros AND cons about EACH ONE(if needed to know i like sports games (baseball football etc..) racing (not nascar) i like adventure no fightin games and i like call of duty halo and medal of honor)

optional question but best chance of best if answered what are the best games (i already getting madden 09)

extra optional(please answer but not needed for best answer) is the game battle field bad company a good game?




  1. PS3 pros:

    Excellent games

    Plays Blu-rays

    No faulty additions

    Pay more for quality

    Online play is free

    PS3 cons:


    Games are pricey

    Games can get boring

    360 pros:


    Excellent games

    Smooth controls

    Easy to handle

    Free to fix if broken

    360 cons:

    Overheats quickly

    Can get Red Ring of Death

    Too many complaints

    Too much slight abuse can reult in hardware failure

    Best PS3 games:

    Soul Calibur 4

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Medal of Honor

    Best 360 games:

    Soul Calibur 4

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Halo Wars

  2. For you I would go with PS3 only because it has the types of games you like.

    And yes, it is.

  3. Well its easy :D you can hack Xbox 360 but you cant hack Ps3 :D

  4. LOL @Technogoden Best 360 game: METAL GEAR SOLID 4?! it's a PS3 Exclusive! get your facts straight, please.

    buy a PS3. why?


    does not overheat, only has 2% failure rate (tested in  50 degrees celsius for 108 hours and still working)

    graphical prowess is AMAZING! (believe it or not, Resistance: Fall of Man only used 10% of PS3'S power. Uncharted used 30-40%)

    Blu-Ray player (stand-alones cost $200)

    Online gaming is FREE! (i play Metal gear solid online for free)

    the SixAxis controller is LIGHT.

    Loading is fast since games are installed (360 will have this feature this Fall)

    You can change your hard drive without voiding the warranty (very easy to do, i changed my 40gb to a 320gb).

    you can install Linux on it.

    has a web browser (yep, 360 doesn't have one without using the Media Centre)


    not alot of games NOW but 2008-2009 will be kick-***(i only have 12 titles).

    Playstation Network isn't as good as Xbox Live Marketplace.

    bigger and heavier than 360 (looks like a barbecue grill).

    there are still no hacks for it (very tight hardware security).

    games are expensive (don't buy those $60 games that are piece of S**t *coughs* LAIR *coughs*).

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