This has been spurred on by D405's q. You know it frustrates me that some of these foreigners have came into our country and did some good. In PE where I come from there are many Somalians and these people are such quiet and holy people. I've never even heard them raise their voice and they always close there shops to pray everyday.
I think of all the good they have done in that city alone. They dont beg on the street, they get up everyday to WORK! and have some good businesses! They have brought internet to most of the poorer areas and only charge R5 an hour!
Sure they do irritate me at times with there ways and habits but then if I compare them to some of the people that beg all day, sleep and dont want to work, have no ambition and refuse to do anything because they feel oppressed and feel as is the whole world owes them something!
I'd rather have them in town!