
Xp antivirus!?!?!?

by Guest58893  |  earlier

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AHHHH ok I figured out this is a virus, but I can't get it off of my computer. So many people use my computer. and one day when I finally decided to use it this stupid virus was on it. I get so many pop ups and when I try to go to different internet pages it blocks it. It's driving me nuts and I did what I usually do which is google a way to get rid of it and I still haven't found luck I even tried finding the folder it's in and trying to delete it but that doesn't work. Does anyone have a sure fire way to get rid of it cause it's driving me nuts?




  1. Go to this link where you will get full instructions on removal.

  2. the sure way of getting rid of a virus, although drastic, is rebooting your computer...... delete everything on your computer,, to do this just look at your computers manual.

    also save any photos and important documents on a disc

  3. Antivirus XP is a new rogue anti-spyware program - a fake spyware remover, which uses trojans, such as Zlob or Vundo, to enter the system. This parasite is a clone of Antivirus 2008, which has been very popular recently - this is more than evident when you count all the clones Antivirus 2008 has produced over the past few weeks.

    Antivirus XP uses popups and fake system notifications as a means to intimidate the user by leading him to believe he is infected. This is usually false information, but this method is used to create a reason for the user to buy an antispyware program (to be more precise - Antivirus XP).

    Antivirus XP is a scam and should be treated as such: do NOT download or buy it and block it's homepage using your HOSTS file.

    check this link on how to remove it.

  4. boot in safe modeF8 run anti virus and anti spy ware this will take some time but it should get rid of your problem then reboot and check again  it appears to be in your backup file is why it keeps coming back

  5. try manual removal instructions


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