
Y'all were wrong. You told me to go to France and I never ever should have listened.?

by  |  earlier

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When I went to France to visit my cousin, I did not have a good time.

First off, the French was all stuck up and kept calling me "promiscuous American girl," and laughing. They kept saying it to me and when I told them that American girls aren't promiscuous, and only have 16 partners during their life times. And I said that was not much seeing as how people live to 84 years old, sometimes 85. But they did not let it go. Then I told them that I'm a white girl, the media has the black, purto rican, mexican girls as the ones who are the hoes. But they kept laughing at me, and then told me that I was not a white girl. They said white people never left Europe. And they said that I was as non-white as the purto rican-mexican- and black girls. What's up with that?

But I told them that I was Scotch and Irish all the way back!!!! And that I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I look like a real American.

I'm just glad to be home. What is up with those stupid French people?

Sorry I sound angry but I needed to vent. Why don't they see me as white?




  1. Did you say you were a white / blonde haired girl ?....aaahhh , well that explains your lack of ability to express maturity and understanding.  

  2. Hey you didn't point out how they talk like idiots.  And go easy on this girl she goes to france and is all nice to everyone and they are A$$HOLES to her why would she have a good outlook on the country it only takes a few to ruin it for the rest.  Look at it this way almost all countrys are full of idiots and their are a few good people but they are hard to find.

    Love your own country and don't worry bout what those people said.  

  3. I really hope you're trying (and I'm sorry failing) to be funny.

    'The French was all stuck up'

    'I look like a real American.'

    This post is wrong on so many levels.  If you are trying to be serious what point are you trying to make?  All French people are stupid because you found a few who didn't like you?  Oh dear and I dread to ask but what exactly does a real American look like? Obviously white of course...  

  4. They do see u as white i think.

    they were just being j@ck@ss3s

  5. a REAL American?  Little girl please tell me you're kidding me.  There is no such thing as a "real american".  The only people who I might consider to be "real Americans" are Aboriginals.  You are the descendant of immigrants, as is everyone else in th United States of America (unless of course, you are a direct immigrant yourself).  So get over yourself.

    "Then I told them that I'm a white girl, the media has the black, purto rican, mexican girls as the ones who are the hoes."

    If you're going to believe everything mainstream music videos portray, you have a sad life ahead of you, and I wish you luck.  I also think you deserve to be laughed at for such ridiculous statements.

    You've got a lot of growing up to do ahead of you.

    Do the smart thing and take something from that experience.  Remember how bad your felt the next time you ridicule someone for being different.

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