
Y D0 S0Me Pe0pLe TyP lYk ThIs?

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because it's rly ann0ying and i cn't understand wat ur saying w0n't it be easier f0r s0me1 2 help u if u c0uld just typ lyk a n0rmal pers0n? it's actually slowing me d0wn to try and typ lyk thiis and the spelling mystake thing on the side has g0t to b annoying i hav 15 spelling errors rite now d0n't get me wrong, im 17 s0 it s n0t lyk im s0me 0ld pers0n wh0 hates kids but i always c pe0ple doing s0mething stupid with their typing d0 u just not hav spelling classes at sk00l? idk i guess i d0n't hav t0 read ur ?'s but that means neither d0es any1 else i d0n't kn0w h0w many ?'s Ive had t0 deceifer and ill n0tice that m0st 0f the answers u get hav t0 d0 with ur spelling because i hav the inability t0 truly understand what m0st 0f u say this ? is pr0bably easier t0 understand than the 1's I c. Maybe n0t. i hav picked up s0me 0f it tho u guys who typ lyk this d0n't use a t0n 0f punctuation either it's all 1 long sentance my p0int is, wat is the p0int 0f typing lyk this? Is it k00l? Are u lazy? Can u n0t spell? Wat is it????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I have gotten to 40 misspellings in this whole thing.




  1. I usually disregard anything someone says who types like that.

    Same thing with the lack of capitalization and punctuation that makes me think that they're miseducated and aren't worth putting the effort into reading.

    I know that's wrong, and some are intelligent- but maybe they just want to stand out in a sea of anononous commenters?

    I'd think it would have to be something like that because it's harder to type with the individual cAps and numb3rs thAn normAly.

  2. LOL --- I don't know that answer, who can account for people? - but thanks for the laugh! And BTW, I don't find it any less odd than the 'net speak' shorthand...I'm still catching up on that! :)

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